Gender Scan – £150
You can find out the sex of your baby during a scan that is performed to check that your baby is healthy.
The earliest time we can assess the baby’s sex is at 12 weeks gestation/pregnancy:
We can tell the sex of the baby at the 12 week scan by assessing the direction of the nub. This is something that can be identified on babies at this stage and if it points vertically then it is likely to be a boy. If it points horizontally then it is likely to be a girl.
We can be 95% accurate at this early stage of pregnancy.

From 16 weeks gestation/pregnancy – we can tell the sex of your baby normally in 99% of cases.
Gender Reveal Balloons – £15
My secretary can do a pink or blue gender reveal balloon after your scan.
Please let us know on booking if you would like this service.
Early Gender DNA Detection £250
– using maternal blood (non-invasive) and early pregnancy scan – 99.9% accurate from 6 weeks pregnancy
- Quick and Simple
- Accurate Results
This can be done from 6 weeks pregnancy ie. 6 weeks from the first day of your last period and this has to be confirmed by an early scan.
The scan determines:
- The embryo should be seen and the fetal heartbeat if the dates are certain
- Fetal heart action is present
- Whether it is one baby or two
- Check the pregnancy is progressing as expected for 6 weeks gestation
Your blood will be taken and sent to the laboratory.
The Blue or Pink Early Gender Test looks for Y chromosomes in the fetal DNA found in the expectant mother’s blood sample. If the mum’s blood has Male i.e., XY chromosomes, it’s a Little Boy. If it has XX chromosomes, it’s a Little Girl.
Your results will be emailed to you within 5 days.